Curriculum Long Term Plan

At Chapel Street Community Primary School, our overriding intention is to help all our children, whatever their background, to become happy, secure, creative and skilled individuals who can successfully pursue their personal paths to fulfilment with confidence and pride.

We aspire to help our children discover their strengths, identify their personal areas for development and equip them with the necessary knowledge, skills and personal attributes to achieve their full potential.  We seek to support the children’s ability to recognise and celebrate their own and each other’s high levels of effort and significant achievements across a wide variety of subjects and experiences, supporting them on a pathway of continuous growth and improvement.

We purposefully intend to develop children who have embraced our core values of respect, growth and inclusion as we believe these are crucial to securing the appropriate development of personal and academic skills and abilities that will lead our children to become successful, contributing members of our society.

Our Curriculum Long Term plans for EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 are the framework for setting out the aims of our programme of education, including the knowledge and understanding gained at each stage. While curriculum design is a dynamic process, decisions about the aims of the curriculum have been made to ensure that we meet the needs of all of the children in our school and support them in achieving their very best.

Learning begins the moment that our children join Chapel Street Community Primary School in Nursery and ends as the children leave us to go to secondary school in the summer of year 6.  Please see the sections below which outline the progressive learning journey that our children will follow during their time with us.  Our EYFS curriculum has been designed to develop a secure foundation on which the KS1 and KS2 curriculum is built.
