Headteacher's Welcome

Making a difference and achieving excellence for every child.​

Our Values

We go beyond what is expected to continually improve standards and deliver ambitious outcomes.​​

We do the right thing for our children.

We care about people as individuals​.


Our vision and mission statement is: Making a difference and achieving excellence for every child.

Our school values are growth, respect and inclusion.  These are incredibly important to us and shape our provision for all pupils, staff and the wider community.  We are proud of our relational approach which underpins the ‘Chapel Street Way’.  Visitors to our school comment on the warm, welcoming environment and nurturing relationships.  Our commitment to wellbeing, equality and improvement is strong and can be seen through our actions at all levels across school.

Our relational approach

At Chapel Street Community Primary School we talk about the ‘Chapel Street Way’ – a relational approach to all that we do and how we do it.  We are proud to be both trauma informed and attachment aware. 

The following videos will help you understand why this is so important for all our pupils and staff:

You can find out more about our Relational Approach in our policy here.

Our school

Chapel Street Community Primary School serves a diverse and vibrant community.  We are a large (three-form entry) urban primary school with many unique strengths and challenges as a result.  Ofsted inspected our school in June 2019 and we received a grading of “Good”.  We are very proud of this achievement whilst recognising the challenging, ongoing school improvement journey still ahead of us. 

We have around 680 pupils on roll – which includes a nursery and three classes for each year group from reception to year 6.  More than 35 languages are spoken in the homes of our children, with many of our pupils being multi-lingual and our families are from a wide range of ethnic groups.  This rich cultural diversity offers us many exciting opportunities for children and staff to learn from each other – it is something we value greatly.

Levels of social and economic need are high for a significant number of our children (58% Ever6 FSM) and approximately 16% of our pupils have diagnosed Special or Additional Needs.  We are actively inclusive – for pupils and staff – and are committed to continually improving our offer for equality, inclusion and diversity. 

Our site

Whilst we are a central Manchester school we have excellent outdoor space that we are proud of – this includes on site Forest School provision, playing field and two large playgrounds in addition to a well-resourced EYFS outdoor area.  We also work hard to offer excellent facilities within the school building and are especially excited to have opened a fantastic new library recently.

Our ethos

Relationships are at the heart of all we do.  We are driven by a relational approach, focused on what is right for our children.  We believe in an environment, culture, curriculum, provision and experiences that are bespoke to our children’s needs.  We are committed to removing barriers to learning and overcoming disadvantage in order to facilitate success for every child.

Chapel Street is a school at the heart of our community that celebrates and nourishes diversity and individuality.  We are rooted in a strong sense of belonging and thrive through positive, nurturing relationships and our connections to each other, our community and the wider world.  We are ambitious in our aspiration for every child and expect high standards from ourselves and each other – continually growing and improving. 

We are a school where every child is valued as an individual.  We celebrate and nurture their unique strengths and passions, alongside challenge for all and creative approaches to support their needs. 

As a result, when your child leaves us they will always belong to the Chapel Street family and will be recognised as a ‘Chapel Street child’ because they will…

  • cherish memories of the learning, laughter and love they shared here;
  • have a passion for learning;
  • be equipped with the knowledge, skills, understanding, attitude, qualities and behaviours needed to be successful in the next stage of their learning;
  • be rooted in strong foundations of excellence that set them up to succeed in whatever aspirations for life they choose;
  • have a world-wide view that goes beyond their own experiences;
  • be curious and confident to question, challenge and communicate with others.

Chapel Street is a big school with a family feel, or as one child said, “love runs through this school”.
