
 We are very pleased to be able to share with you the outcome of our recent Ofsted Inspection from June 2019.

We are a "Good" school.

Inspection dates 18-19th June 2019

Overall effectiveness: Good

Effectiveness of leadership and management: Good

Quality of teaching, learning and assessment: Good

Personal development , behaviour and welfare: Good

Outcomes for pupils: Good

Early years provision: Good

We are delighted that Ofsted have recognised the significant improvements made at our school since their last inspection (May 2017) and want to thank you all for your contribution to this. We value being able to work in partnership, with you and our wider community, on our journey. We will continue to work hard to provide your children with the highest level of care and quality of education we can.

Please click on the document below to read the report in full:

Ofsted Full Inspection Report, July 2019

You can request a paper copy of this report at anytime from the school office. You can also find the full report detailed on the Ofsted website here.

The following are some of the quotes Ofsted used to describe our school, staff and pupils:

“Leaders have established a culture of high expectations.”

“A sense of calm and purpose flows through the school. The warm and nurturing atmosphere fosters strong relationships between staff and pupils. As a result, pupils feel safe and respected.”

“Teaching across a wide range of curriculum subjects is good.”

“Pupils make good progress from their starting points in a wide range of subjects.”

“Leaders have established a culture of success and an ethos of care and respect.”

“The strong improvements demonstrate that the school is well place to improve further.”

“The curriculum is broad and balanced. Leaders have crafted a curriculum that provides pupils with a strong sense of identity and a deep understanding of the context in which they live.”

“Pupils have access to a wide range of exciting and engaging experiences which they cherish.”

“Pupils proudly told inspectors that they respect each other’s differences, and that ‘respect’ is a key part of the school’s new mission statement.”
