Curriculum Intent Strategy

"A curriculum worth coming to school for."

Our Mission

Making a difference and achieving excellence for every child.

Our purpose, our WHY?

To facilitate an exciting, diverse and holistic curriculum which aims to provide the best outcomes for all children.

The aims of our curriculum are:
  • All children will achieve high standards and outcomes, regardless of their starting point.
  • To inspire our learners from Nursery through to Year 6 and beyond.
  • Learning will be valued by all at the school – everyone is a “learner”.
  • To provide progressive and well sequenced learning across all subjects.
  • To build upon prior learning so children know and remember more.
  • Trusting relationships will be fostered; everyone will thrive.
  • The learning experience on offer to will be adapted to meet the needs of the children within our community and will strive to remove any barriers to learning.
  • The planned learning experience for our children will be inclusive, adapted, responsive and child-centred.

"A well taught knowledge-rich education is potentially the driver for true equality for pupils from different backgrounds. Knowing things, not just recalling the bald facts but deeply understanding them gives pupils confidence. It helps them to discuss a wide range of live topics with their peers, irrespective of their backgrounds"

Dame Rachel de Souza
