Woodland Class

Almost all of our children with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) access the full curriculum offer through adaptive teaching (for example, through pre-teaching, resources, additional adult support, physical adaptations) and learn alongside their peers in our main classrooms.

For the children with the highest levels of need, we have created Woodland Class, which is a special SEND provision. Woodland Class has been externally verified by SEND professionals to help us to ensure that we can accurately meet the needs of our children. The provision is play based and led by adults who use a total communication approach (signs, symbols and clear language).

Sessions are designed to meet children's sensory needs and the Attention Autism approach is used to develop children’s engagement and concentration. All of the children who attend Woodland Class have (or will soon have) an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). The majority of the Woodland children are waiting for places in specialist provision primary schools.

Long Term Plan for Woodland Class

Woodland Setting

Woodland Teachers


Curriculum Activities

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Example Timetables
