Physical Education

At Chapel Street Community Primary School, our Intent is to provide high quality Physical Education that builds progressively on prior skills, knowledge and understanding. Embedding Physical Education and physical activity within our school is at the heart of our curriculum, in order to support not only our children’s physical development but their emotional well-being too, as this has never been as important as it is now.

We understand the significance and the impact this subject has on our children and we pride ourselves in developing new and effective learning opportunities to create an ethos of ‘long-term athletic development’ and a curriculum that provides an active start for all pupils at a young age.

Our curriculum incorporates creative play and skill based resources linked to games, themes, music and things children can relate to in order to make learning purposeful and fun. The progression and closely linked planning builds on our children’s fundamental skills such as running, jumping, skipping which are known as their gross motor skills that are crucial for long-term athletic and physical development.  

We pride ourselves in providing our children with opportunities, within their Physical Education lessons, to improve the quality of their life by boosting their stamina, enhancing their ability to concentrate and maintaining focus across the whole curriculum.

At Chapel Street Community Primary School, we believe a physically active child will also have a healthy heart. The mental health of our children is imperative and our Physical Education curriculum plays a huge part in making our children feel good by elevating their mood, inspiring their positivity, encouraging the development of tolerance, helping them to relieve stress and maintaining mental and emotional wellbeing whilst also improving energy levels. 

At Chapel Street Community Primary School, we believe one of the most important life lessons for our children to learn, for the health of their bodies and minds, is the importance and necessity of regular exercise. We believe, that as a school, we are constantly striving for this goal and this outcome is evident in everything we put into our Physical Education curriculum.

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Our Achievements

Sainsbury's School Games Mark 2017-2018 Bronze Award

Sainsbury's School Games Mark 2018-2019 Bronze Award

Sainsbury's School Games Mark 2019-2020 Bronze Award

Sainsbury's School Games Mark 2020-2021 Bronze Award

Sainbury's School Games Mark 2022 - 2023 Gold Award

Click here to find out more about this award.

Individual pupil achievements:

Former pupil Sophie continues to represent Great Britain in BMX racing and has competed in Canada and Belgium. When at school, her team won gold in the Mountain Bike Competition in 2015.

Former pupil Abrahim, who had never participated in sports until entering our school in 2015, now ranks in the top 10 in the country for under 18’s sprinting events and led the Olympic procession through Manchester in 2016. He achieved Bronze in the dodgeball finals when competing for Chapel Street in 2015.

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